Virtual Chief Information Officer (vCIO) Services: Elevate Your Business
Virtual Chief Information Officer (vCIO) Services
Technology in the modern business place has and will continue to evolve at a very rapid pace for the foreseeable future. The people, processes, and technology in client networks have at the same time, become more important to business success. Understanding the multitude of layers involved in any environment and the people that support them, is an ever-changing target. SKB Cyber offers the Virtual Chief Information Officer offering to the clients to help provide consistent leadership and direction to organizations where organizational change has left an opening where an outside perspective, with nearly thirty years of experience across a wide array of heavily regulated and secured environments may be valuable. From leadership of teams to strategic budget and planning development, to architecture, and cloud design and support, the vCIO can help to optimize your business and take its IT operations to the next level.
Service Benefits
Technology leadership and guidance for organization and IT team
Strategic IT systems and services evaluation and planning support
IT budget and financial review of IT spend and activities
Long term IT plan development and management
Tactical oversight of IT resources and systems
Participation in organizational planning and direction meetings to help direct IT resources and assets appropriately throughout the organization.
Maximizing Outcome Values
The SKB Cyber Virtual Chief Information Officer (vCIO) service is intended to provide organizations with fractional access to skilled and experienced IT leadership in both short, and long-term applications to help maximize value and minimize long term IT and operational costs. The vCIO service brings with it, the ability to provide a high degree of strategic support, while also folding in a strong background in a wide variety of technologies, security, cloud services, and compliance across a wide spectrum of regulated industries, to help maximize value to clients.